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Science of Speed Dating Helps Singles Find Love
AS A PSYCHOLOGIST, I have always found the concept of speed dating fascinating. During a series of mini dates, each spanning no more than a couple of minutes, participants in a speed-dating event evaluate a succession of eligible singles. They make split-second decisions on matters of the heart, creating a pool of information on one of the more ineffable yet vital questions of our time—how we select our mates.
The concept of rapid-fire dating has gained tremendous popularity, spreading to cities all over the world. One speed-dating company in New York City, for example, holds a gathering almost every day. Last year online coupon company Groupon hosted the world’s largest speed-dating event, with 414 attendees crammed into a restaurant in Chicago. Start-up companies now meet with investors, pregnant couples interact with doulas, and homeless dogs court potential owners, all using the speed-dating format.
Some years ago I caved to …
5 Benefits of Speed Dating
Are you sick of wasting a full night on a dud of a date set up by your friend? Are you tired of impersonal online chats that lead nowhere? Speed dating services bring professional singles together to find a mutual match. Read on to find out why speed dating is right for you:
1. Fun Environment
You get to enjoy a night out at a bar or club with your friends, but with a far better chance of finding love than on a normal night. Grab a drink and zoom through 25 dates with potential matches. You have an extremely high chance of finding a match, but even if you don’t, you get to spend a fun night meeting new and interesting people.
2. Speed is of the Essence
You’re a busy professional, and it’s hard to carve out the time for an active dating life. With speed dating, you …